Multi-layered code architectures are a huge advantage for users and programmers alike. So let’s take a quick dive into what multi-layered code architectures are, what they provide for us and much more in this article.
Before we start, let’s do a quick overview of multi-layered code architectures. The easiest way to explain these structures is with a house plan. Imagine yourself as a construction planner. You need to answer a lot of questions such as the number of rooms, where these rooms will be and what needs to be done when. Even though these questions are not about software, they are similar to the problems many software engineers or programmers suffer from, which is why we use multi-layered code architectures. We will take a look at what multi layered code architectures do to help software engineers overcome these issues, and how.
So first, what even is this “multi-layered code architecture” nonsense? Multi-layered code architecture consists of 3 folders of code. One layer being the presentation layer, another being the business layer, and the last one being the data layer. The presentation contains the information that the users are supposed to interact with in order to use the program such as GUI, buttons, and text. Down in the business layer is where we actually encounter code and events. The business layer contains many important lines of code and essential information for everything in the presentation layer to function normally and be interactable. Now we’re in the final layer, which is the data layer where all of the strings, values and variables, which are necessary for the business layer to work, are contained.
Now, why should we use multi-layered code architectures? What do they really provide for us and our fellow programmers? Well, there are 4 general upsides of multi-layered code architectures. Let’s take a look at them.
Organized coding and accessibility; programmers can access any piece of their software without any difficulties at any given moment.
Separation of layers for security and mobility; code is divided into the layers that we talked about in the first paragraph. This allows for easy mobility between different categories of code, and many programs have their own security measures to prevent users from sneaking into the second and third (business and data) layers.
Simplified data storage in the cloud; like mobility, any piece of the code can be uploaded or extracted from the cloud in mere seconds which allows for programmers to quickly save or access their data from other devices.
Ability to easily use the program; programmers can easily move between any layers of their software like mentioned in the second reason, which allows for easy bug-fixing and additions to their code during the testing phase.
Even though there are many more things about multi-layered coding architectures that I wasn’t able to explain in this article, it has to end somewhere, so let’s conclude our topic. Multi-layered coding architectures allow for swift movement during the programming process, easy use of the program that is being written, simple ways to upload projects to the cloud and much more upsides for programmers and users alike.
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